The semifinale is the hot Yabu Kota! I’m loving the clothes and they totally compliment the background color (lol). Honestly, I’m not crazy about the picture on the left. I dunno, it’s just not standing out to me. I do like the pose but he looks kinda…not ready? It’s hard to explain but it didn’t come out as cool as I think the picture was supposed to be. The folded arms though is good. However I LOVE the picture on the right. It has that Yabu element of being both cute and hot at the same time (ero-kawaii anyone? hehehe, just kidding). Both Kei and Ryutaro gave the thumbs up and with Yabu making three, I suppose it proves that it’s a winning pose. Yabu looks fantastic here and the hair looks especially good. So good job Yabu for looking so good (hehe).
The eighth member is Takaki Yuya! This picutre is a little different than the others because the bright light in the middle is a lot bigger. I think it does more harm than good because then the focus does end up on the light rather than the pictures. The picture on the left looks a little scary. It’s in his eyes. I wish they were a little softer because that would have made the picture a lot better. I’m still not a fan of that hair-style though…but I like that it’s different from that of the other boys. So I guess it’s somewhat of a paradox. The picture on the right is better but there’s something holding me back from really liking it. It’s hard to explain but I feel like they should taken the picture like a moment earlier and it would have been better. Like the energy when he posed diminished slightly when they got the shot. His clothes are okay, nothing too great. I don’t know, I was hoping that Takaki would bring it harder but sadly that’s not the case. It was a nice try though.
And now we come to a personal favorite of mine: Kei-chan!! He just looks so cool in the picture at the left. He absolutely aced it! I don’t think I’d normally be a fan of plad but somehow Kei makes it all better. I guess it’s kind of a more mature fit with the mature stance. His lips are kinda pouty and it only adds to the hotness, don’t you think? As always, his hair is looking great and I have zero complaints. Much like Chinen’s picture, Kei looks a lot more tan in the picture in the right than in the picture on the left. It’s still kinda strange but other than that, it’s a perfect picture. He’s giving the thumbs up and showing his personality for everyone to see. His smile looks so cute and there is a genuine happiness you can see in his eyes, which makes the picture believable. So basically Kei knows exactly how to pose to make his pictures turn out so well and that’s a skill that definitely pays off big time.
Number three is Hikaru. I actually really like his pose on the left and think it has kind of a cool approachableness to it. Don’t you feel like you could just talk to him and he would listen to whatever you were saying? I am loving the various colors that make up his shirt: the purple, the blue and white all come together quite nicely for an eye catching scheme. His hair looks good here too. I’m not always crazy about Hikaru’s hair styles but he really pulled it off for me here. The picture on the right is actually kinda cute. There’s something very innocent and likeable in his face, particularly in his eyes. Although something does look a little strange about his hair in this picture. Like part of it looks like it’s not really connected to the rest of his hair. Like it was placed on top of his normal hair…weird…
I’ll just go in the alphaetical order in which they were posted so we’re starting with Daiki. He looks very calm and relaxed in the picture on the left. I think the blue shirt looks really good on him and is a perfect way to show that calmness. But the picture on the right is much better since it shows Daiki’s natural cuteness that you can’t help but love. Plus it’s a more close-up shot so that the pattern on his shirt is more visible. As usual, his hair is looking great and his smile is absolutely infectious. The yellow shirt with the pink rim around the top is also a nice touch and actually compliments the blue button shirt. It’s a very sunny look and it matches his personality perfectly. So Daiki looks great in this picture and he should be proud that it turned out so well.
Hurray Keito!! Well that confidence is definitely coming through and it makes me happy to see that. The picture on the left really reminds me of Chinen’s picture. He just looks kinda bored but somehow, there’s something likeable about the picture. Like he looks bored but kinda in a cool way if you know what I mean. His eyes aren’t dead and if they were then the picture would have just comed across as him looking uninterested in taking photos. The right photo looks a lot better though and he looks soo cute!!! He’s pointing to the camera and his smile makes you want to smile along with him. I actually really like the outfit too because it’s simple but effective.
And now we arrive at the end with none other than Yamada Ryosuke. I think he’s a good one to finish it since he owned his pictures. All right, his cool picture on the left is really good because he’s giving a sort of smile. It makes his pose different than all the other boys and even with the slightest smile, it makes him just look soo cool. Kinda in a cocky way but I think that’s what makes the pose so good. I also like the rip in his jeans. It just adds to the overall coolness because it didn’t come off as corny or cliche at all. And I LOVE the picture on the right. Doesn’t he look so innocent. It’s definitely the smile that makes him look innocent and adorable so I’m glad that he did it. And his hair looks awesome! Don’t you think? He looks great in green too and the blue–green combination totally does him justice. So basically Yamada owns everything!
Moving onto the 6th member, we have Nakajima Yuto!! I just realized that we got a little out of alphabetical order but oh well, I’m just posting in the order they are in on photobucket. I feel like Yuto loves what he does and that always comes blazing through: photoshoots, PVs, whatever. I like the picture on the left mostly because he just looks like a happy little kid that is happy to be taking pictures. The pink is a very nice touch and makes his outfit stand out from the other boys. Although his face looks a little bit off on the left, he nailed the picture on the right. He looks like he’s ready to say “ganbarimasu!” with his fist like that and his face looks so cute! So I would say that Yuto did a very good job on his picture and the right picture is the stronger but both are still good.
Up next is Chinen! So I’m assuming the pattern to these pictures will be a cooler and more relaxed picture on the left and a happier and sweet picture on the right? Well Daiki’s left picture had a natural feel to it but Chinen just looks kinda bored. I dunno, like there’s just not that spark behind his eyes. Also his hands look a little awkward. His outfit does have kind of a childish cuteness, which translates much more strongly in the picture at the right. I love the little finger point because it makes him look so happy and cute. His hair looks a lot better too. But one thing that is offputting is that he looks so much more tan in the picture at the right than the one on the left. It’s kind of strange and unsettling. His smile also looks a little off too. I can’t really explain it but it doesn’t look like his usual self. So unfortuntately, Chinen didn’t bring it like Daiki did.
We reach the half-way mark with none other than Ryutaro. Lately I’ve seen pictures of Ryutaro and I feel like he’s growing out of his awkward stage, which is good for him. It’s good to see him look so comfortable. While Chinen kinda looked bored in his left picture, Ryutaro has something behind his eyes that convey emotion. He kinda looks like a lonely kid who has just given up. So he just sits there without anyone. Although he’s gotten used to the loneliness, something inside him still longers for a friend. Okay, I got way too into that but a good picture will make you think like that, right? (lol). The picture on the right looks so cute since he just looks like a sweet little kid that you wanna give a hug to. I guess the tanner skin thing is just gonna be in all of them so oh well.
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