Tuesday, 14 June 2011

December Duet 2010 – yamadas Yamada Ryosuke

This month’s Yama chan tries on Peter Pan cosplay! He looks great in it but he was actually pretty embarrassed… But it’s cute isn’t it!? What kind of cosplay would you want Yama chan to try on next?

【17】 I’m 17 right now ♪But actually, I had an fuzzy image of myself being tall and cool at age 17. Reality is harsh. I’m taking the exact same way as Daichan. (← Saddens by the fact. Not knowing what’s going on, Dai chan gives “?” from a far). But that’s fine. I’ll still keep living as me. I’m not sure personally, but I bet I’ve grown mentally mature by now that I’m 17. I know I had to grown someway. It’s just that… my image of 18 year olds are “all grown up adults” so I’m going to do much childish stuff as possible and enjoy my youth until my next birthday!
【2】I had my 2nd school festival since I entered high school. It was fun having the graduates, Hikaru kun and Dai chan visit. Even though Dai chan and Hikaru were in the other room as the current students, Chinen, Yuto kun, and I (laughs). But I could see classmates taking part in basketball competitions or dance competition from the window so I enjoyed the cheerful atmosphere of the school festival. My teacher even bought us mocha from the festival stalls. I got to look around and participate in dance competition last year so how I enjoyed it was different (this year) …. But I enjoyed the festival nonetheless. I hope I can take part in it next year.
【180】Number of telephone numbers on my cellphone. I thought I had about 50 numbers so I’m surprised by the fact that it has 3 times that (laughs). But I think it’s because there’s a lot of duplicates. When I get “I changed my number” or “I changed my address” from the people in my record, I keep adding those on so that’s why the number increased. Meaning, there’s more than one numbers under the same name. Then, I wouldn’t know which are the new number/address (laughs).
【26.5】 My shoe size. Isn’t it a normal size? Dai chan is only 23.5 or 24, isn’t he like a girl (size)!? ( Dai chan backfires “Get it measured by a professional. Everyone’s size are actually small than they think! I bet Yamada will only have 25 if he got it really measured) But it’s still 25 right? I’m still bigger than Dai chan~♪
【5】 Number of Korean learning books I have at the moment (laughs). Kusanagi Tsuyoshi kun’s ChonmaruBook 1 and 2, normal linguistic book, and two audio learning. Total of 5 items. “Chonmaru Book” is really easy to understand. I learn basic vocabulary with this and the linguistic book and pronunciation by the audio learning material. That’s how I study and I think I’m getting better at it. I can say a simple introduction of myself now. I can say my name… and “I’m very short” in Korean. … eh, they don’t have to be told, they can see it? That’s none of your business!! (laughs).

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